martes, 25 de enero de 2022

A Personal Reflection on Using Microsoft Word in English Class

A Personal Reflection on Using Microsoft Word in English Class
by Valery Navarro

                             Picture taken from

    In this blog, I am going to tell you a little bit about how my experience was when I used dictation option for the first time. If you do not know what is that, dictation option is a tool of Microsoft Word Document that people can use to record their voice and see the words that they are saying in the word document page. Therefore, people can notice if they are pronouncing correctly. Moreover, I am going to show you some reasons to use Dictation option in English classes.

    Have you ever imagined or thought about using Microsoft Word in English class as a tool to practice pronunciation? In my experience, it was amazing to know about it and learn how to use it because it has been always difficult to me practicing pronunciation. Many times, I am talking to someone in English, and I am not able to notice my mispronunciation. Now, I know what I can use to improve my pronunciation. The dictation option was very easy to be managed, there is any complication in its use.

    What are the reasons to use Dictation option of Microsoft Word Document in English classes? 
1. English learners can use it easily because its management is not complicated.
2. English learners can practice alone because many times the teacher cannot be everywhere at the same time to correct them.
3. English learners can practice some specific words that the teacher assign them in the class.

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